Thursday 14 October 2010

My design process

The last work I produced was for my FMP (Final Major Project). The project consisted of creating a series of trailers for a Film4 season, all of which would be shot using hand held cameras. We would also need to create a Film4 web page that would fit in with our chosen season.

I started the project by researching previous Film4 seasons, takeing note of the films in each season and how they are related to eachother. I decided to go with a Drop Dead GOREgoeus season. My season would consist of an array of old and new Zombie films from Night Of The Living Dead (1968) to 28 Day's Later, Along with the trailers I would create myself.
My next step would be to research Zombie films to grasp an idea of methods used to evoke fear and confusion in the viewer that I was prone to seeing in Zombie films.And working out how I could apply that to my zombie trailer to make the trailer look as convincing as possible. In order to achieve the desired result I would need to find a location that would go with my theme.
The first ideas that i had were to film it in a suburban residence or a small village. I decided against these initial ideas beacuse they felt to expected and cliche. So in the end I decided to film in some woods near my house which has a quiet road running straight through. Although Zombies are not generally associated with being found in quiet woodland I felt that I could do something slightly more original.
After spending hours storyboarding and brainstorming ideas, i finally arrived at my final decision.

After spending a week, filming and editing I managed to split the footage into 3 seperate trailers, each with alternate endings and content,  I then added to my Film4 themed webpage ready for submission.

will upload photos and videos soon. WTS

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